
I devoured this book. The Louisiana scenery sucked me in.
Lucy is a character you can love and hate all at the same time. She drives you crazy with her naivety, but makes up for it her bravery and understanding. She acts like a brat at times, and that drove me crazy. I did appreciate the friends she made. She has their back when they need her. Mama Legba was probably my favorite character. She has a big personality, and really shines throughout the book.
The events that take place are pretty creepy. I haven't read many books that feature Voodoo, and I liked seeing that spin on the paranormal part of it. I think the reason it was so haunting is because of the scenery. You have old homes with a lot of history, and a history that seems to repeat itself.
I loved the storyline and it was a perfect read to start off in October.
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