More Than Enough - Jay McLean
This review was originally posted on Bookish Things & MoreThis book broke me. Luckily I was warned to have all the tissues. I can’t imagine going through anything that these characters have gone through. Things can happen in life that makes existing so much harder than anyone could imagine.

I loved seeing Dylan actually talk. Up until now, he’s been the broody silent one. But he has a sense of humor, and actually talks quite a bit when he has something to say.

I don’t want to say too much or I feel like I would give everything away. But I did enjoy the steady build up of the romance. It may seem fast at times, but it’s weeks and months in the making.

We get more Operation Mayhems in this book than the others combined. And the stunts are hilarious! Glitter definitely makes everything better!

What I took away from this book is that tragedy doesn’t have to define us. Even though it can break us to our worst moments, how we move on from that and make our mark in the world is how we will be remembered.