Gates of Paradise - Melissa  de la Cruz
I loved how this series came to an end. It ties up quite a few loose ends, and leaves room for new adventures. I loved Mimi in this one. She shows so much emotion in this book, and only wants to keep those she cares about safe. The one person I didn't care for is Jack. You don't know if he's really back on Lucifer's side, or what's going on. Bliss is awesome as always. I've always loved her, and was so glad to see more of her in this last installment. I had been very frustrated with Schuyler throughout this series. She definitely redeems herself here. She is completely sullen in the beginning, but put her big girl panties on and deals with the task her mother has left her. GoP kept me captivated the entire way through. There are some pretty shocking surprises, and I was left with my jaw hanging. You realize the power of love as the story continues. You range through pretty much every emotion: rage, anger, joy, love, loss. Cruz did a great job rounding out this series without making anyone too upset. I have loved every minute with these characters, and was devastated to tell them goodbye.